Sunday, January 18, 2009


They say you learn something new everyday. I don't really know if this is qualified as "new," but I definitely paid attention and recognized today that I'm not very good at expressing what I mean or getting my point across effectively and it leads to senseless arguments. Confusion at the very least. I should work on this.

Today has been relaxing. I had the opportunity to sleep in, though I didn't take it. I was up and ready to move at approximately 9:30. I had breakfast, did all my usual internet browsing, talked to my mom on the phone for awhile, and sat around. Took a nap. Then went to Scotty's Brewhouse with Ashley and the boy she's dating, Lucian. He was really nice, fun to talk to, sociable. I'm glad she's dating him, they seemed to be a really good fit for one another. I like when my friends enter good relationships and are happy.

Speaking of happy, one unhappy event for a lot of people has been this year's playoffs. What is going on? It seems to just be a series of flukes. The Arizona Cardinals?! And right now, the Steelers are up 23-14...they need to keep it that way because I've got a pair of Levi's jeans riding on it. Shanee and I make friendly bets on football games.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi E!

kudos to you for updating your blog again ...I'll be following your lead.Oh, I'm at home in the Bahamas..will be here for an undetermined length of time. So, I'll be doing the same. Glad to have my outlet back. Hope youre doing well.

by the way, hope you get your Levi's lol.

take care,
