Wednesday, February 11, 2009

L word Sex

I told Shanee that the next time we see one another, we're gonna have sex like they do on the L word. First, I'm gonna approach her and say something that's either semi-aggressive or extremely vague, then I'm going to back her up against a wall and shove my tongue down her throat and then 10 seconds later, I've got her clothes off and her back is to me. We're gonna be breathin all crazy, rubbin on each other all hard and vigorous, I told her she's gotta throw her arm around the back of my neck and we have to rock to a rhythm while my hands do the work and then we're gonna shudder to a climax within 5 seconds of each other. Haha...

I broke down and used the Starbucks gift card today. It didn't last long. It was kind of a treat to myself for having to endure a vaginal exam, not to mention a 20-minute wait in the waiting room, plus filling out all my paper work again because the computer system crashed at the office. But tomorrow, back to Folgers...

The girl from yesterday's post was shaadddyyy at work today. Had nothing to say to me and absolutely zero eye contact. It wasn't like that yesterday. I guess knowing that somebody deleted your number makes you not want to talk to them or lay eyes on them. It was kind of amusing. What does she expect? You can't play me completely to the left just because life gets rough sometimes and then just decide you can handle being friends with me again.

I wore my muscles in my legs all the way down today during my workout. I feel like my thighs are about to fall apart, like the muscles are just about to separate. I wonder what it will be like in the morning... :-/

sleep is quickly approaching...


Black Girl Meets World said...

LOL @ L word man..that was too funny for words...

Anonymous said...

Lol... Oh, my gosh I thought I was the only one that laughed at some of the sex on The L Word! I still love that show though.