I was hanging out at Starbucks this afternoon, reading a book. There was this lady there reading what looked to be a self-help or coping book entitled "Suddenly Single." She was sitting alone. The coffee shop was not at all crowded, there were plenty of both tables and stuffed armchairs. But this man walked over to her and was like "do you mind if I join you?" He sat down with her and they chatted for the next hour. I was struck by the simplicity, and the sweetness of the situation. I left before they did, but I really hope they exchanged numbers and whatnot. I really like the rare occasions that I witness those types of things.
I went and saw Orphan this evening. Good movie with a crazy twist. I have a degree in psychology, but that was some other type of crazy. It was interesting.
You have a degree in Psychology? I had no idea! I remember you graduating, just not what field...
Friends...I don't have that many new friends to be honest. I have learned that work + friends very rarely exists...so I only mingle with a few...but I was just telling my mom that I don't have that many friends. I guess it works out because I'm a big old homebody anyway.
Do they have social clubs in your town? Like a group of people that get together basically to hang? Kind of like a sorority but minus all of the cliqui-ness. I think that's what they're called here- social clubs. Either that, or since you've been gymming it up so much, why don't you consider joining an intramural team or sport? Some towns even have it where it's associated with a park or somethin, not necessarily the gym.
You're not pathetic at all, just honest. And I think it's important to us to be honest about things.
You're definitely not pathetic. No way , no how. It's hard to make friends as an adult female. I concur with that. I'm only friends with one chick I went to highschool with, and the rest are like girlfriends of my hunny's friends, and old co-workers. I've been contemplating how to meet new ppl as well...
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