Saturday, December 19, 2009

ten things...

Haven't felt much like blogging lately.

1. My mom still doesn't respect my feelings. We'll probably really fight soon.
2. My nephew is still precious. He eats like a piglet.
3. I bought 4 Christmas presents. 3 will be given. 1 got thrown in a drawer until I decide to either regift it or trash it.
4. My Colts are still the shit. 14-0 tastes pretty damn good.
5. Anonymous comments are dumb. Extra dumb when they aren't even true.
6. I've got 12 days left to sit on my ass and simply exist. 2010 is my year for a life change.
7. I'm halfway to my goal weight. It feels awesome.
8. More people than what I ever realized want to see me succeed in life and it's extra motivating.
9. 2009 has been an ugly year for me in a lot of ways, but the joy and peace I have now is wondrous.
10. I know what I'm getting for Christmas, but I have to wait until Christmas Eve for it and it's driving me crazy.


Anonymous said...

"2. My nephew is still precious. He eats like a piglet."

HaHaHa... I have a piglet for a nephew as well! So cute! :)

Black Girl Meets World said...

How the eff are you gonna start blogging when I stop?!!

I propose, in 2010, me and you go somewhere either conveniently in the midwest or somewhere - my soul is longing for somewhere different (with someone I would actually enjoy, lol)